DEE Parents Speak survey

Between Summer and Fall of 2023, we launched the DEE Parents Speak survey. We had 267 caregivers very generously give their time to complete this 2-part survey. We are working diligently to analyze and share results as quickly as possible. Keep scrolling to see an overview of the survey results!

Survey Results


Caregivers of children with severe to profound impairments responded to our DEE Parents Speak survey. These responses are directly helping us develop measures to capture clinical trial outcomes.  This page contains an overview of the project so far, general results, and a breakdown by disease groups. If you have specific questions or want to get involved in research, email us at

Sex (proportion female)
Epilepsy Diagnosis
Autism Diagnosis
Unique disease groups

Good days

word cloud describing what a good day looks like for DEE caregivers. The most common words are laugh, smile, engaged, alert, calm

Bad days

a word cloud of what caregivers of DEE children see during a bad day. The most common words are screaming, sleeping, crying, and lethargic.

Caregiver Priorities

Caregivers were asked, "If you could improve just one aspect of your child's condition of those listed below, what would you choose?"

Expressive Communication
Gross Motor Skills
Receptive Communication

Disease Specific Dashboards

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